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welcome to our family portal

Our Family

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Cat Dad, Chartered Accountant, Husband, the original Bejaye

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Madam, Gardian of Dreams, Emotional Support, Bubba

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Pet-Whisperer, Mujerado, Leader, Social Theorist, Writer, Artist

VIPSites Media

Barling-Ohlson family

Bruce and Lindsay first met in early 1999 while working at Everton Plaza in Brisbane for diffenet businesses. Bruce was working in Real Estate while Lindsay just started with Credit Union Australia. Bruce held an account with the credit union and would come in to withdraw his pay each week.

It was Lindsay who eventually, nervously, suggested grabbing lunch together. So began a friendship that united the two lonely heroes and soon led to an even deeper relationship and commitment.

Serina joined our family at age three in 2012, having been rescued from a domestic violence situation. Other's have occasionally resided with us but never become true Barling-Ohlson. In December 2015, Lindsay and Bruce married in Auckland, New Zealand, makinf their family name official.

Bruce is now a fully Qualified Charted Accountant working in financial markets, enjoys gym and relaxing with the family while watching sitcoms, romcoms, period drama, sci-fi and crime shows.

Lindsay medically retired in Deceber 2016. He then started pet-sitting for friends and former colleagues. Lindsay enjoys the outdoors, sketching, crafts, science, nature and, of course, animals. A life-long student of life, his recent studies include psychology, AI, counselling and health & wellness.

Serina loves nothing more than to get between her two dads when they try having a cuddle. She likes being the centre of their attention but is very shy around everyone else. Serina likes to lay agaist her dads while watching home renovation and quiz shows. Occasionally, we remember Serina is a cat.

What we do

Health & Wellness

Caring for mind, body, spirit and soul


LinZ Petwhisperer at work


Sketches, sculptures & painting

Short Stories

Competitive and casual writing content


Renovating and landscaping


Travelling the world together

Coming Soon